Here Are Some Common Causes Of A Flooded Basement
Basement flooding is inconvenient for homeowners and frequently damages your home and other possessions. If you are aware of some of the potential causes of flooding, you will know what to avoid to keep your basement dry. The following are just some of the most common causes of basement flooding.

Avoid a flooded basement this winter.
Lack Of Insulation
Basement flooding can be caused by inadequate or badly constructed insulation in your foundation. Water might pool in your basement if it rains heavily or if you don’t have adequate or correct drainage in your yard. Furthermore, if you don’t have enough insulation, sewer backups might cause basement flooding.
Leaky Window Wells
Basement windows, in particular, allow in more than simply air. Flooding enters your home through your windows due to blocked gutters and flooded yards, and it will seep in through windows with loose seals. To avoid this, caulk around your basement windows and install wells with coverings. It may also be essential to change the window grade. Check your gutter spouts to ensure that they are clear and working correctly. Depending on the age of your house and windows, it may be time to replace them as well.
Leaking Plumbing Fixtures
If the water isn’t coming from a leaky window or a problem with the insulation, it’s most likely coming from a leaky plumbing system. Flooding in your basement might be caused by a burst or leaking pipe, a broken washing machine hose, or even a faulty water tank or heater. These problems must be addressed soon in order to prevent floods.
Contact All Aspects Waterproofing Today to Prevent Pests, Water Damage, and More!
When it comes to finding the best solution for your crawl space encapsulation and waterproofing needs, contact All Aspect Waterproofing, a Better Business Bureau A+ rated company with over 30 years of experience in the Washington, DC./Maryland/Virginia area. We have a great deal of experience in waterproofing, mold testing, and mold remediation, and we want to make you feel at home again. Contact us online or by calling 1-866-999-3110 or 301-766-4420. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Houzz to see what we’re up to.