When most homeowners think of flooding, they usually associate it with a massive rainstorm. But, rain isn’t the only type of precipitation that can lead to flooding in your home. In fact, floods can occur even in some of the… Read More
Locating the Source of Musty Basement Smells
As soon as you walk into your home, do you experience a pungent smell? If so, it might be a result of a musty basement. In fact, a damp, moldy smell can actually be a sign that there is something… Read More
What Causes Foundation Cracks?
The foundation is perhaps the most important part of your home. Sure the roof over your head and the walls that shield you do a lot of work, but without the foundation, it all comes crashing down. Unfortunately, all of… Read More
Signs of a Leaky Basement
Many of the homes in our area have basements. Basements offer great space to use for any number of things. You could finish it and have additional living space, or even an apartment that you can rent out. Or you… Read More
4 Tips for Keeping Your Basement Warm This Winter
We want our homes to be warm and comfortable in the winter. Homeowners tend to give their house a quick inspection before winter arrives to ensure they are prepared for the cold temperatures. We inspect our homes from top to… Read More
The Importance of Mold Removal
Mold grows in dark, damp areas and presents significant health hazards to the rest of the building, which is why it’s critical to hire a professional mold removal company to remediate a mold problem in your basement. When mold spores… Read More
Sump Pump Maintenance Tips
Your sump pump is a home appliance that is often overlooked in your day-to-day life — but becomes a central focal point when you need it most — or more accurately — when it stops functioning correctly. In terms of… Read More
How to Fix a Damp Basement
Wet or damp basements are a prevalent issue in many homes. The excess moisture can be caused by various factors, from damp soil to poor ventilation. But no matter the cause, a wet basement is a serious health risk to… Read More
Can Snow Damage Your Basement?
Heavy snowstorms are common in the Maryland area. These frequent storms can leave several feet of snow on the ground for days. When temperatures start to rise, and the snow melts, the excessive amounts of water will have nowhere to… Read More
Mold Remediation: What It Is and Why You Need It
As any homeowner knows, one of the worst things to ever deal with in the home is mold. In fact, mold can be hazardous and severely harmful to those living inside the home, especially their health. The reality is, getting… Read More